Why Us? Advantages Of Retaining A Small Firm

Advantages of Working With a Small Law Firm.png

December 19, 2019

Law firms, like lawsuits, come in all shapes and sizes. On television, law firms are often depicted as large offices hustling and bustling with a whole cast of characters. In reality, according to the American Bar Association, most law firms are made of up sole practitioners or are considered to be “small,” employing only two to nine attorneys.

Lichtman Eisen Partners, Ltd. is one of those “small” firms. We employ four full-time attorneys and a support staff, and believe our size in part is what allows us to provide the excellent, personalized service we do for all our clients. While this may not be exactly what you imagine a law firm to be like, there are real benefits in retaining a firm of our size.

All Hands on Deck

Our firm follows a collaborative approach to all files in our office. Meaning, no one file belongs to any one attorney. This system allows for each and every file to be consistently evaluated with fresh eyes and perspectives. Therefore, the client is afforded the strengths and skills of different attorneys at different points in his or her career, such as an experienced partner versus a tech-savvy associate. The small size law firm model allows for more flexibility and provides less corporate hoops for the client to jump through. We believe collection claims especially benefit from the flexible nature and fast-paced movement of a smaller law firm, as a debtor’s assets can become obsolete from one moment to the next. 

Consistency and a True Team Mentality

The collaborative nature of Lichtman Eisen Partners fosters a close working environment between staff. Each attorney is invested in each file, and invested in the firm as a whole. Kara Eisen was employed as an associate attorney before becoming a named-partner alongside Marc Lichtman. Additionally, various law clerks ended the clerking program with an offer to stay on as a full-time attorney.

Our model provides our clients with consistency as to how a file is handled and allows them to get to know all the attorneys on our staff. A small firm like ours allows each and every employee to work closely with one another, as well as become familiar with all files in the office. The small size of the office promotes an open-door policy and allows an attorney to match his or her particular strengths to a particular file. Furthermore, small firms are often able to eliminate the time-consuming, formal aspects of setting meetings and coordinating calendars between attorneys, which ultimately benefits the client and the claim itself.

 Not Just Another Day, Another Dollar

With weekly status meetings, Lichtman Eisen Partners evaluates each and every case for liability, collectability, and profitability. In contrast to a larger firm, with a large support staff of multiple paralegals, law clerks and secretaries, at Lichtman Eisen Partners the majority of the legal work is prepared by an actual attorney. Each file is evaluated and handled based on the most efficient litigation and collection strategies. Rather than having a one-size-fits-all mentality, we are able to customize litigation and collection strategies to each claim by blending past successes with future innovations. Further, as cases are discussed weekly, decisions are made quickly to keep the files moving and the work flowing. Now, this is not to say that mid-sized or large law firms merely push paper or move from one task to another, but the comparison is akin to that of a family-run business versus a large corporation. Both provide different benefits and pose different risks, often the size and nature of the claim can suggest which model is best. 

This list is by no means exhaustive, and the size of the law firm is only one factor of many to consider when seeking legal representation. Each client and claim pose unique needs and challenges, and those particular needs and challenges can assist a client in selecting the right law firm for representation.

If you want to learn more about Lichtman Eisen Partners or think we may be able to help, please schedule a free consultation with us here.